13100 Shier Rd, Sunderland ON L0C1H0


Geoffrey Norton


Mushroom Meadows is gourmet and medicinal mushroom business focused on producing high quality mushrooms and mushroom products. We aim to be a beacon in the mushroom industry, recognized for innovation, quality, and sustainability. By empowering the community through education, and resources, and products we will help foster more resilient and healthy communities.

What value did you receive from BACD?

We received connection to other business owners, valuable business advice, and financial assistance in the form of a grant to help us take the business to the next level.

What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own business?

Do your do diligence, so you know what you’re getting into. It’s important to be prepared for a long journey as starting a small business takes time to get off the ground. And as our advisors like to say attitude is everything, and the frequently quoted Henry Ford holds true as ever – whether you think you can, or think you can’t, your right.