Tyler Jobe


What inspired me to start a business was the unfulfilled feelings I had while working jobs that limited my abilities and stole my summers. I never liked the mindset of wanting time to go by faster when working an hourly job, I dreamed of more satisfying ways of paying for school. What brought me to the idea of Whale Window Wash was noticing what service was lacking in my hometown, I’ve seen companies thriving in other areas, so why wouldn’t it work here? I decided to take the theories I’ve been learning in business school and try and learn the practicalities this summer, while also learning things school just can’t teach you. I love the freedom of being your own boss, the summer days outside, and the gratification that comes from cleaning those dirty windows.

Whale Window Wash cleans the frames, tracks, panes, screens and all the parts of the window, as well eavestrough cleaning too!

So, Call or Text for a Free Quote!   905-243-9087