Sharda Shah
At Beautytox, I help to soften those wrinkles and lines that bother you when you look in the mirror. I provide lip enhancements and facial contouring for cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Other services I offer are micro-needling and Platelet Rich Plasma for skin and hair restoration. These services work amazing for acne scars, stretch marks, large pores and fine lines. I work with you to establish the best beauty regime that fits your lifestyle.
- I feel not enough women give themselves credit for how fabulous they really are. I want to remind these beautiful souls by giving them their confidence, pizazz and identity back!
- I love the accountability. I was meeting with my mentor every 2 weeks. We would discuss challenges I faced and figured out how I could overcome them. I would leave there with a few things to do before my next 2 week session. This really helped me move forward in putting my business together. I loved going to their workshops, they were very informative! Some of them I went more then once, because of the different stages I was in while building my business.
- When I first started with the BACD, I was only going to offer cosmetic injections. They made me really look deep into my plans for the future and now I offer more services and also provide training to other injectors!
- I love using Instagram, Facebook and my website to post my before and after pics and education to clients that are a little hesitant.
- Be ready to work! You may not get what you put in right away but you will eventually get it. Yes I get to choose my own hours working for myself, but I work more hours now then I ever did working for someone else. So make sure you’re dedicated so you can persevere through the slow times.