Bowmanville, ON


Spencer Horgan


Home Hockey School provides hockey and fitness training programs for players aged 7-13 in Clarington, Ontario. Each week a new practice kit is delivered to the player's home and includes all required hockey training and fitness equipment and instructional videos are posted online.

I want to share my experience in training for and playing rep hockey to younger players and help them keep active over the summer.

The start-up costs to pay for the hockey and fitness training equipment and the video production equipment was invaluable. I also learned about networking, marketing strategies, and learning from other young entrepreneurs, which has increased my self-confidence.

I am the sole employee of my business. I write, shoot, edit, and produce all of my videos, update my Instagram account, assemble and deliver practice kits, and do cold calling. At this time, I am only delivering practice kits within Clarington, Ontario.

Writing to hockey organizations in Clarington, writing to specific coaches to ask for their feedback about my business idea has been quite helpful. Most coaches have forwarded on my program to their players for consideration.

Plan, plan, plan. Ask for help from other professionals–I learned a lot about social media marketing from a real estate couple. They were more than glad to help me and give me some tips when I was discouraged. There is a lot of help out there and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also, be confident that you have something to offer and don’t judge yourself–I’m learning something new everyday. It is a lot of work to start and run a business but you’ll learn so much!