Grow your business with Importing & Exporting

1.2 min read358 words

Are you ready to expand your small business? If you are considering importing or exporting products and services as a growth strategy for your business there are a number of resources listed here.  Our network, Small Business Centres Ontario also has an online learning session on expanding your small business.

The Canada Border Services Agency as well as the CRA has good information you will need as you consider importing and exporting


Preparing to import, classifying your goods, determining duties and taxes, shipping, examining, reporting and getting your goods released

Become familiar with trade incentive programs

The CBSA aims to improve the competitiveness of Canadian businesses by offering relief from the payment of most duties and taxes on imported goods that are ultimately exported, whether or not the goods are further manufactured in Canada. Further information on the CBSA‘s Duty Deferral Program is available in Memoranda Series D7 Series, Drawbacks.

Consult the following for additional information

Designated commercial offices provide 24-hour service, seven days a week, for the reporting and clearing of commercial goods.

To obtain CBSA publications, refer to CBSA Forms and Publications. You may also order publications by visiting the Government of Canada Publications Web site.

For information on other federal departments and agencies involved in the commercial importing process, visit the CBSA‘s Other Government Departments and Agencies: Reference List for Importers, visit the Canada site or call 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232).


Canada Border Services Agency helps ensure that exporters comply with national policies, processes, procedures, regulations and legislation related to exporting commercial goods.

An exporter, who may or may not reside in Canada, is the party who exports commercial goods from Canada. Exporters residing outside Canada and exporting goods from Canada are non-resident exporters. All exporters are subject to the same reporting requirements.

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