What is a Digital Main Street Program?

Digital Main Street (DMS) is a program focused on assisting small businesses with their adoption of technologies and to expand their digital presence online. The Digital Transformation Grant (DTG) program will provide funding for training, advisory support, and grants to brick-and-mortar small businesses looking to increase their capacity through digital transformation.

The grant is administered by the Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA), and is not administered by Digital Main Street.

The portal will be opened in January 2023 for applications. However, in the meantime, you can work with a Digital Services Support Representative to expand your digital presence and get ready to apply for the grant program.

The objectives of the Digital Main Street – Digital Transformation Grant program are to:

Provide small business owners a comprehensive plan to guide their digital transformation.

Provide small businesses with the digital literacy skills they need to execute their digital transformation either through a do-it-yourself approach and/or being a smart consumer when purchasing these services.

Participant Requirements

A Digital Transformation Grant is open to any business that meets the following requirements:

Must be a business that:

  • Has a permanent ‘brick-and-mortar’ establishment in Ontario
  • Is employing 1-50 employees
  • Is NOT a home-based business
  • Is paying commercial property tax (commercially assessed), either directly or through commercial rent
  • Is a registered business in Ontario and/or is incorporated
  • Is open for business/operating at the time of application (not a start up)
  • Is open to the general public for walk-in and onsite purchases of goods and services – NOT A WHOLESALER OR MANUFACTURER
  • Is NOT a business supplying digital services to other businesses (e.g. website design/development, SEO, programming)
  • Is NOT a franchise, including those individually owned and operated
  • Is NOT a not-for-profit/ charitable organization
  • Is NOT renting office space on a temporary basis (month-to-month)
  • Is NOT in a shared workspace such as a hot desk or dedicated desk
  • Is NOT a purely online businessOwned by:
    • An Ontario resident operating a business in Ontario.
    • An individual of 18 years of age or older at the time of application.
    • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Has completed the Digital Transformation for Main Street program, which includes:

  • The Digital Main Street Assessment
  • Has passed the eligibility quiz
  • The online training
  • Developing a Digital Transformation Plan

*OBIAA reserves the right to determine who is eligible/ineligible on a case-by-case basis.


  • Previous Digital Main Street Ontario Grant Program recipients who received a DTG from July 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 (inclusive) may NOT apply at this time
  • Previous Digital Main Street Ontario Grant Program recipients who received a DTG before June 30, 2021 may apply provided all DTG final reports have been received and verified by OBIAA
  • Large corporations are not eligible to apply for a DTG (more than 50 staff)
  • Businesses with multiple locations are only eligible to apply for one Digital Transformation Grant
  • Owners with multiple businesses may only apply for one grant


Step 1. Create an account on Digital Main Street Website

Step 2. The Business Advisory Centre Durham’s Digital Service Squad will follow up to set up a discovery call with you to get what you need underway.

Step 3.  The Digital Service Squad member will review your needs and the next steps needed to expand your web/digital presence. Our experienced team has helped retail, personal services, restaurants, not-for-profit, and creative/culture organizations with everything from Google My Business and social media, to launching websites and eCommerce shops.

Step 4. Start working on your digital transformation plan.

BACD’s Digital Service Squad will do a digital audit and create an action plan of recommendations for your digital transformation and next steps as well as any programs that may help you including grant programs.

Meet our Durham Digital Main Street Team

Orzala Quddusi – Team Lead

Territory: Pickering and Ajax up to Harwood Avenue on the West side in Ajax + Uxbridge


Orzala Quddusi

Daisy Raudales, Digital Services Support Representative

Territory: Harwood Avenue east Ajax, Whitby including Brooklin (Outside of BIA) + Township of Brock.


Daisy Headshot

Cherubim Christy, Digital Services Support Representative

Territory: City of Oshawa


Donal Beattie, Digital Services Support Representative

Territory: Township of Scugog, Program Managed and Delivered by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce


Donal Beattie headshot