

Jody Swain


Mobile App for the “Future of Parenting in a Digital Age”. It`s a game-like system mimicking the workforce. Hire and Fire your Kids allows parents to Hire their Kids for Jobs around the house and Fire them when they don’t follow family expectations.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Wanted to spend more time with my family, reap the rewards of my own work ethic and bring a tool to families that would make their lives easier and help get their kids get ready for the “real world”.

How did the help you got from BACD impact you and your business?

I found them late, wish I had found them sooner as I may be way ahead by now.  AMAZING support with workshops, networking, events, programs, experts, 1×1 advisors, and a FANTASTIC team that runs it all!

What marketing strategies have been successful for you?
Focus to social media primarily Facebook and IG and LinkedIn

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own business
Go to the BACD 1st!  Network and connect, open up, don’t be shy…  We are all here to help each other succeed!

Any additional comments or information you would like to share with the reader: Watch, like and share our video